
APS Digital Citizenship Curriculum (K-5)

APS Digital Citizenship CurriculumDiscovery Elementary: K-5

Kindergarten: Going Places Safely Online

APS Central Question: How do I go places safely on the computer?

APS Enduring Understanding: There are a lot of exciting things to do online, but it is important to follow certain rules to remain safe.

Learning Objectives: I will be able to:

  • Discover that the Internet can be used to visit far-away places and learn new things.
  • Compare how staying safe online is similar to staying safe in the real world.
  • Explain rules for traveling safely on the Internet.

Grade 1: Staying Safe Online

APS Central Question: How do you stay safe when you visit websites?

APS Enduring Understanding: It is important to stay safe online by choosing websites that are good for you to visit and avoiding sites that are not appropriate.

Learning Objectives: I will be able to:

  • understand that being safe when visiting websites is similar to staying safe in real life.
  • learn to recognize websites that are good for me to visit.
  • recognize that I should ask an adult I trust before visiting a particular website.

Grade 2-Module 1: Keep it Private
APS Central Question: What kinds of information should I keep to myself when I use the Internet?

APS Enduring Understanding: Certain kinds of information is private and should not be shared online.

Learning Objectives: I will be able to:

  • recognize the kind of information that is private.
  • understand that I should never give out private information on the Internet.
  • understand that people online are not always who they say they are.

Grade 2-Module 2: Follow the Digital Trail

APS Central Question: What is a digital footprint?

APS Enduring Understanding: Information put online leaves a digital footprint or trail. The digital trail can be big or small, depending on how it is managed.

Learning Objectives: I will be able to:

  • Learn that information I put online leaves a digital footprint or trail.
  • Explore what information is appropriate to put online.
  • Judge the nature of different types of digital footprints by following the information trails of two fictional animals.

Grade 2-Optional Lesson: Computer Trouble

APS Central Question: How can we balance time spent on the internet with other activities?

APS Enduring Understanding: The internet can be used in many fun and creative ways, but it is important to have balance in life.

Learning Objectives: I will be able to:

  • Understand that the internet can be used for fun, educational and creative purposes.
  • Recognize that in order to have a healthy life, one must balance screen time and time spent on other activities.

Grade 3-Module 1: Keep It Private/CyberPigs

APS Central Question: What are marketing messages online and what can you do about them?

APS Enduring Understanding: It is important to protect personal information online to avoid marketing efforts and to surf the Internet safely.

Learning Objectives:I will be able to:

  • Recognize that marketers use different strategies such as spam to try to elicit personal information on the Internet.
  • Explore strategies for managing unwanted messages.
  • Understand the need to protect personal information on the Internet, from both a marketing and a safety perspective.
  • Recognize that online acquaintance may not be who they say they are.

Grade 3-Module 2: What’s Cyberbullying

APS Central Question: What is cyberbullying and how do you deal with it?

APS Enduring Understanding: Bullying can happen in person or online, but both kinds of bullying are hurtful.

Learning Objectives: I will be able to:

  • Empathize with the targets of cyberbullying.
  • Recognize some of the key similarities and differences between in-person bullying and cyberbullying.
  • Identify strategies for dealing responsibly with cyberbullying.

Grade 3-Optional Lesson: Francine’s Pilfered Paper

APS Central Question: What is plagiarism and how can it be avoided?

APS Enduring Understanding: When doing research, one must not copy another person’s work, but summarize the information and give credit to the source.APS

Learning Objectives: I will be able to:

  • explain what plagiarism is.
  • practice summarizing material for research in my own words.
  • cite sources (book) that I use for research.

Grade 4-Module 1: The Keys to Keywords

APS Central Question: Which keywords will give you the best search results?

APS Enduring Understanding: Certain search strategies will increase the accuracy of keyword searches.

Learning Objectives: I will be able to:

  • Experiment with different keyword searches and compare the results.
  • Refine searches by using multiple words, synonyms, and alternative words and phrases.
  • Draw inferences to explain search results.

Grade 4-Module 2: How to Cite a Site

APS Central Question: How do I cite different types of online sources?

APS Enduring Understanding: It is important to cite sources when doing research to give proper credit to the author.

Learning Objectives:I will be able to:

  • Explain the value of giving proper citations.
  • Name the components of an MLA style citation for different types of websites.
  • Create MLA style citations for online articles and professional sites.

Grade 4-Optional Lesson: Faux Paw Goes to the Games-Balancing Screen Time with Real Life

APS Central Question: How does spending too much time online affect achieving your goals?

APS Enduring Understanding: Time spent online should be balanced with other activities, such as exercise, reading, spending time with friends and family, and playing outside.

Learning Objectives: I will be able to:

  • Recognize how spending too much time online can affect achieving goals.
  • Understand how to balance time spent on-and-offline.

Grade 4-Optional Lesson: Gekko Goof Website Evaluation

APS Central Question: Can you really trust everything you read online?

APS Enduring Understanding: Not everything you see online is true.  It is important to evaluate websites before you use the information for homework or research.

Learning Objectives: I will be able to:

  • Look at a Web address for clues about the reliability of the website.
  • Identify the author of the website.
  • Determine whether the website contains accurate information.

Grade 5-Module 1: Rings of Responsibility

APS Central Question: What kinds of responsibilities does a good digital citizen have?

APS Enduring Understanding: Information put online leaves a digital footprint or trail. The digital trail can be big or small, depending on how it is managed.

Learning Objectives: I will be able to:

  • Reflect upon my offline responsibilities.
  • Examine my online responsibilities.
  • Understand that good digital citizens are responsible and respectful in the digital world and beyond.

Grade 5-Module 2: Super Digital Citizen

APS Central Question: What does it mean to be a good digital citizen?

APS Enduring Understanding: To be a good digital citizen, one must be responsible & respectful in online and offline communities and learn to solve digital dilemmas in a responsible way.

APS Learning Objectives: I will be able to:

  • Compare and contrast responsibilities to online and offline communities.
  • reflect on the characteristics that make someone an upstanding citizen.
  • devise resolutions to digital dilemmas.

Grade 5-Optional Lesson: Whose Is It, Anyway?

APS Central Question: How can you show respect for other people’s work?

APS Enduring Understanding: Giving credit is a sign of respect for people’s work.

Learning Objectives: I will be able to:

  • define plagiarism and describe its consequences.
  • explain how giving credit is a sign of respect for people’s work.
  • articulate when it is acceptable to use people’s work, and how to write a citation.

Grade 5-Optional Lesson: Website Evaluation

APS Central Question: How do you evaluate the validity of information on a website?

APS Enduring Understanding: Not all information on websites can be trusted. There is a set of criteria that can be used to evaluate the validity of digital information.

APS Learning Objectives: I will be able to:

  • Collect and evaluate information from a variety of sources.
  • Understand that accuracy, relevance, comprehensiveness, and bias are important in evaluating electronic information sources.
  • Use a checklist to evaluate the validity of websites.


APS Digital Citizenship Curriculum was developed from Common Sense Media Resources and by the following APS Staff:

Teresa Flynn – Supervisor of Library Services, Deborah DeFranco – Supervisor of Health and PE

Kathleen Meagher, Former Director of Secondary Education

Wilmarie Clark, Claremont ITC (K-5)

Marie Hone, Arlington Tradition School ITC (6-8)

Eric Underhill, Carlin Springs ITC (9-12)